Your Furry Friends Love Language


Dogs are social beings that communicate in a variety of ways, and while they do not have a specific "love language" like humans do, there are certain behaviours that they use to show affection and communicate their feelings.

Here are some ways that your dog may express their affection or "love" towards you:

  1. Tail wagging: Dogs often wag their tails when they are happy or excited, and this can be a sign that they are feeling affectionate towards their owners.
  2. Eye contact: Dogs may look into their owners' eyes as a way of bonding and showing affection.
  3. Licking: Dogs may lick their owners as a way of showing affection, grooming, or expressing submission.
  4. Leaning: Dogs may lean against their owners as a way of showing affection, seeking comfort, or feeling protected.
  5. Bringing gifts: Dogs may bring their owners gifts, such as toys or objects, as a way of showing affection or seeking attention.

Cats communicate in many ways, and there are certain behaviours that they use to show affection and communicate their feelings.

Here are some ways that your cat may express their affection or "love" towards you:

  1. Purring: Cats often purr when they are happy or content, and this can be a sign that they are feeling affectionate towards their owners.
  2. Head butting or "bunting": Cats may rub their heads or bodies against their owners as a way of showing affection or marking their territory.
  3. Kneading: Cats may knead their owners with their paws as a way of expressing contentment or love.
  4. Licking or grooming: Cats may lick or groom their owners as a way of showing affection or bonding.
  5. Bringing gifts: Cats may bring their owners gifts, such as dead prey or toys, as a way of showing affection or providing for their owners.

It's important to note that while these behaviours can be signs of affection, every dog and cat is unique and may express themselves in different ways. It's important to observe their behaviour and body language to understand their individual preferences and needs. 

Additionally, training and socialization can also play a role in how they express their affection towards their owners.


